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Monday, October 3, 2011

Interactive Map

Link: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=203498851386484787647.0004add8c8c6ad6c7e8ca

Story: We looked at eight restaurants within the St,Johnsbury Area. Overall, we looked at our favorite restaurants within that area. What we found was actually very suprising, because some of our favorite restaurants had suprisingly low health scores. While, others that we looked at that we normally would think to have a low health score were actaully some of the highest ones. One restaurant that I was totally suprised by was Kentucky Fried Chicken, the reason that is, is because I distinctly remember back a few years ago when the health department went there and actually completely shut down the place because there was so many health violations. They were closed for an entire month and had to undergo and entire over haul to be able to pass inspection, and now their health score is actually one of the higher ones in the town if St. Johnsbury. Another, one that also shocked the group was that the McDonalds within St. Johnsbury also had a respectable health score, while a few years ago they had bugs and other small types of insects and animals that found their way into customers drinks, it was almost the complete end of that McDonalds, but it goes to show that the health department is fairly leinient and will allow you to correct your mistakes.

Quote: "If your restaurant has a low health number, it is going to plunder"

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