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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

CBS vs. Fox

When CBS writes a story they write it short and sweet which allows the reader to not get side tracked and or bored during the story. Fox has a much longer story yet they are able to keep you interested with the way they wrtie their story. Atleast for me I believe Fox has a better writing style because I like stories that are full of detail and I have no problem reading extra.
Fox has the better video system because it is simple and easy and they appear to have a video for a good portion of their stories which is nice. While CBS also has videos and they have a symbol beside stories that do, Fox is able to pull it off a lot better then CBS.
But when it comes to local news, CBS atlanta is much better than Fox. Fox doesn't even appear to have any sort of local news, while CBS atlanta appears to have much more about whats happening in their local area.
By looking at each site and the content within, I would have to say that Fox News has a much bigger staff because they have stories from all over, while a lot of CBS atlanta is local.

Monday, September 26, 2011

NSN Sports Critique

The first thing I noticed when I logged into NSN Sports was the drop down bar at the top which is very helpful in picking out which sport you want to look at and whether it is a college of highschool sport. Another thing I really liked is as soon as you log in there is a list on the right hand side of any upcoming game that NSN will cover, I think that is very useful because there is a lot of people that will want to go and watch the gams. Also, when you are looking for a video of a certain game they make it easy for you to look up the video by just typing the school name in search bar and the date the game was played and it will pop right up. NSN Sports has a fair amount of advertising on its main page, but its done in a way that doesn't interfere with the user, because some websites have advertisements that will just randomly pop out at you or is placed directly in the center of the page. I like how the advertisements are located either on the very top of the page on the right hand side or the bottom, because it doesn't affect the user at all when the are using the site.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lead In Assignment

John Baker, 59 died after suffering a fatal heartattack. He suffered this heartattack after a woman crashed her car into the restraunt he was dining in.

Ticonderoga County School system will be shutting down it's cafeteria that ultimately serves its special needs students. It is an effort to help keep their costs to a minimum.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In Class Summary #2

Ten Commandments Legal Battle:
Officials from the Ticonderoga County Courthouse are fighting a legal battle to keep the Ten Commandments posted inside the courthouse. They lost the first round in the federal battle, but haven't given up yet and will continue to try and keep the Ten Commandments displayed.

In Class Summary

Ticket For Dog Biting:
Midville Police Department say a dog with a previous history attacked a small six year old child, and bit him around the ear and neck. Gordy Jamison is the owner of the dog and was issued a citation for having a vicious dog.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CBS Atlanta Critique

My first reaction when looking at the CBS Atlanta website is I like the fact how it has the subject bar at the top which allows you to choose which kind of news your interested in looking at. Also, they have a great setup by having pictures when you first log into the site it helps keep your interest. I think it is smart how they have the camera logo beneath stories that have a video to go along with it, I believe that gives the reader more incentive to read the story. CBS Atlanta covers a wide variety of topics from local to international which is good because in today's world it is difficult to be successful majoring in one single subject such as local news only. The only real problem I see with the site is how it gets fairly congested about halfway down with all the news articles there and that alone will stop a reader from reading through all the article titles.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog Critique of Autosblog.com

Hey this is Taylor Cota, I recently looked into autosblog.com and it detailed lots of great information about multiple kinds of foreign cars, but my question is where are the american vehicles? The blog itself acts as if it has a large quantity of vehicles from every known autodealer. Although it does feature some american vehicles its main purpose is of the foreign market; all the reviews on the main page are aimed towards volkswagon, BMW, Ferrari etc.. but there is plenty of new american vehicles with the exact same quality as these rigs that could have been exposed on the front page as well. My main criticism is the fact that the website infers that it blogs about auto vehicles, which in my mind would mean that it would give fair reviews for each car manufacturer. In all honestly it should be renamed to foreignautoblogs.com due to the unfair advantage it gives to the foreign manufacturer's while leaving the american brands in the dust. Though I have nothing against foreign automobiles, I just have a fascination for American vehicles and believe that they should be allowed the same amount of spotlight as any other car maufacturer. Other than that the blog is very well set up and provides the reader with plenty of information about the type of rig you are lookin for. It is simple to find what you are looking for and provides multiple different types of multimedia, from videos, to testimonials, to personal opinion blogs put up by readers. It is a great blog if your looking into vehicles specifically brand new ones and especially if you are looking for a new foreign vehicle.